
Archive for June, 2008

After thoughts

I recently made a week-long trip back home. It’s always nice feeling to know that you are in a city where there are relatives by your side and you can look forward to weekly gatherings to gossip about each family’s problems. On the other hand, it’s almost like a diplomatic meeting where most of my time is filled with lunch and dinner appointments. I hate going back home to un-relax (too many friends and relatives to catch up with). All this while I let my head become blank and ‘stoned’ – just to make sure that I spend the week away from work related thoughts. It is refreshing indeed and I came to a very major conclusion that will affect me enormously.
It’s always very rewarding to go back home, away from the hustle and bustle of work and studying life. When you sit at your terminal, you get too focused on the tasks in front of you to think beyond those papers and coffee cups. But a trip away can really help you (at least me) make a positive and more open-minded change about my current life and the future I would like to have. There’s a long way to what I will become later on, the things I do, the friends I make. And the process to this is like a dark tunnel to me. I used to panic so much that I don’t have any idea where I am going but now hey, I just go where life takes me.
Recently, I also read some stuff which is a true reflection of certain events happening around me. It’s just a simple one-liner but it gave me some comfort as to the chaotic events that have spun off these few weeks. Slowly but surely, I am beginning to take things easier, to learn to cope with things and events and self and to be more ‘down-to-earth’ in my terms.
I hope this blog will be some sort of inspiration/comfort to me whenever I find life so bleak. Things will get better, Marina, they always do.

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