
Archive for August, 2007

The other day I was on my way to office and chanced upon soe great irony in life. At that moment, the feeling was so overwhelming that I really felt I should pen it down. But it took me about a week to really put that little episode into words and share it here.
That morning, the bus was very full as usual and by the time it reached my station, everyone was crowded at the door. If you have taken the early morning bus you would have known that people simply refuse to move into the back of the bus like there’s some ghost there. So everyone was crowded at the door and the driver had to yell his head off so that move can in an inch.
At my station was this blind man waiting for bus. When the bus finally came, everyone rushed to the door and pushed and edged their way through. Of course, I can understand this perfectly- if you don’t get on this bus, the next bus would mean getting to work late. So everyone pushed and fought their way to squeeze onto the bus. And one lady, she shoved the blind guy and brushed him aside because he can’t see her and she just cut into his path. I was behind the blind man and I was quite irritated by the actions of this woman. If you know me well enough, you would know that I am those kind of people who really dare to speak up and give her a piece of my mind. But I wasn’t in the mood to scold anyone that morning and plus the blind man needed help to get on the bus so I attended to him but I gave the woman a very hard and cold stare.
Fortunately, we all got onto the bus and stood at the door. The blind man was standing too and actually, the front few rows of passengers can see that he’s blind. But no one offered a seat. No one said anything about giving up their seats to this man when they had actually seen this man struggling to stand still on the moving bus. How ‘great’! 
Standing next to the blind man was this guy who had several tatoos on his body and was dressed in a lot of bling bling stuff. It’s the typical kind of ‘gangster’ many people think him to be. And yet it was this ‘gangster’ who helped the blind man find a seat and escorted him to the seat-admist the stares of many other normal healthy people who were also eyeing that seat. 
Isn’t that some great irony in life? 
I have to ask-do we have to be gangsters in life in order to feel for others and empathise with their situation and spare a thought for them? Must we? Have we stooped so low as to become incomparable to someone whom society generally associates negativity to? What’s wrong with us?

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Post-graduation life

It’s coming to 1 month after graduation and I am 3-minded about job offers. Even before graduation when I was still doing exams I was offered positions in a not-so-friendly company. And I was worrying sick about graduation = unemployment. But when you first come into society, you really don’t know what to choose and which one’s for you. I don’t wanna end up working here there everywhere for a few months and making ends meet this way. 5 year plan!
Isn’t it a bother now to get a job? You go through so many rounds of interviews till they are done rounding you up then you sign and sign loads of paper and sit yourself at a doc who pokes at you like you are one majoy block of illness. Haiz…why is life so tough now? Why are there so many procedures and steps and things to do BEFORE you work? It’s a job for goodness sake-but it’s digging up my ancestral roots, my health information and my privacy! These people are my colleagues, not secret service and what good would it do to them by having so much information about my mother, my mother’s mother and my mother’s mother’s mother??
Not to mention so much has to be filled in about my education background-kindergarten, primary, middle, high school and university. And on top of that-all the subjects you did before. ALL! By the time I am done with all that, I don’t really want to go for this position anymore. I just want to rest my tired brain and pack up my room (it’s scattered with all the previous certs and results slips).
As I am about to join the working world, let me tell myself that
1- I cannot change the world
2- I cannot change the way others are
3- It’s just a job and I can’t throw away my life in exchange for the pathetic pay I get
4- The guy I seldom see is always right
5- I am just another one of those machines like in Matrix
Sigh, what a way to start a life that’s going to last another 30 years.

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