
Archive for September, 2007

Some old memories live within you so quietly that you do not feel its exsistence. Till one day when you bump into them again. By chance. By fate. And then those old memories just relive themselves and you experience the joy, the pain, the anger, the mixed variety of feelings comes crushing down…
What kind of feelings do you have when you think about the past? Or that someone from the past?
Someone told me that he likes to seek closure. And he can’t seem to find the closure for an issue that’s passed quite some time ago. What is closure then? And so what if you had closure? How should you feel after you get the closure you want? Does it make your memories less vivid? Does it make you feel less emotional when those memories come flooding back into your head? What’s closure? How do you achieve it? Are we not facing reality when closure is not achieved?
Facing reality is not something everyone can manage and accomplish. And maybe it’s correlated to closure.
‘You have never left me – because I put you away in a safe place under lock and key.’

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Working Culture

Wake up>breakfast>crazy traffic>workstation>pantry/toilet>lunch>workstation>crazy traffic>home>sleep>wake up….and the list goes on.
A lot of people do this everyday for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years….
I admire them for their determination and perseverance. I also respect the power of $. But I cannot see myself doing this all my life.
Someone from my office said that ‘I look very far ahead’. Hey, planning is one part of life-one part that keeps a lot of us going on and carrying on with the rubbish we are going through.
Plan you work then work your plan.
The latter part is the tougher one. But still achievable-with brains, time management skills, confidence and a whole list of items…
I happen to be the noisy and talkative one at work. In my department, I make most jokes and talk most nonsense. I don’t know why you have to be stern and strict just because you are in a large MNC in the financial services industry. 
Maybe I have not shed off the ‘old skin’ from school. I know I am at the transitional stage but I do not ever wish to drop off the ‘old skin’. It’s something in me which I think is unique and brings smiles all round. I don’t want to end up being so straight-faced and serious all the time in the office. Gossip is a form of therapy from work just like shopping.
Smile more! 😀
Don’t lose that smile! 

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